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The Latest Best / Worst Game for iPhone

The Latest Best / Worst Game for iPhone

Two days ago I stumbled upon Blackbox, a new game for your iPhone. It's unlike anything else I've played. With an equal mix of genius and exasperation it will appeal to those who love puzzles.

The game has a grid of dots. These dots then turn into lights (via different and often undisclosed methods). Those lights then need to be turned on. You interact with your phone in different ways to turn on those lights. You progress through the game by turning the lights on. As of this writing, I've managed to turn 46 lights on and can't turn anymore on. I know how to turn the next five on, but am currently unable to, I can see two more dots that need turned into lights but with all my mental strength I don't know how. All spare brain cycles are currently devoted to solving things like this. That's the magic of this game.

I'm having difficulty writing about, it in part because it's so unique, but also because anything I say about it will detract from the initial magic of playing with it. I'll say this, the first experience of the app is wonderful, and if you've got a slightly obsessive or competitive edge you'll play it non-stop but then you'll discover something frustrating that you'll come to appreciate: this isn't a game where you dictate how much you play. Rather, some of the levels dictate to you when you can play it. It's kind of torturous yet brilliant at the same time.

Couple that with simple, beautiful graphics and a highly engaged developer on Twitter and you'll find a wonderful game to lose yourself in. It's the most original game play since Threes and Monument Valley (both of which I love). Download it, play with it, infect your friends and look forward to exchanging messages back and forth with joy, delight, awe and frustration. Bravo Blackbox, bravo.



For over a year now, the app that we listen to podcasts with has been Overcast. Yet our logs reveal that less than 2% of those listening to Keeping Up With The Joneses use it. This is close to a tragedy. While you're reading this, download Overcast and then come back and I'll tell you why it's amazing.

There's a couple of neat features about Overcast. The first is Smart Speed which automatically shortens the gaps in spoken word. It manages to do this without making the conversation sound awkward. This feature is different than the common speed boost features found in other podcast apps. They speed up all the audio so you end up with someone sounding like a chipmunk on speed. Overcast only speeds up the conversation by dynamically reducing the quiet gaps in the podcast.

Next up is Voice Boost which uses some clever audio processing to ensure that vocals stay at a consistent level within episodes and between episodes. This means that you don't have that awkward moment when you crank the volume on one podcast and then have to lower it on the next.

There's more: streaming episodes without having to wait for them to download first, the ability to share episodes with other people (including sharing from a specific time in the episode) and the way show notes integrate so well with the user interface. It also supports chapters in episodes (something we're toying with including). Last of all, it's free to download and is maintained by someone who is also a prolific podcaster. Try it out, we think you'll like it.

Women in Ministry

Women in Ministry

I had the honor of speaking at The Belonging last week on the topic of women in ministry. If you've ever had questions about the topic or would like to hear what I had to say, watch the video below. I start speaking around 47 minutes 45 seconds. We've also made the audio available for download.

Heaven Declares 2015

Heaven Declares 2015

We just wrapped up an incredible conference at Heaven Declares. The presence of God was just wonderful, worship was incredible and the teaching outstanding. If you'd like to catch any of the sessions head over to the conference website to download the MP3s or watch the session videos.



I spoke at emanate on creativity. If you were there and want copies of the notes including the godly beliefs you declared, download them below. If you missed it and want to get rid of things that keep you from being creative, watch the message below.

UGB 1 - I'm not creative

GB: I am creative because I was born creative. I have been created in the image of a creator. As a child of God, filled with the Spirit of God, I am just like my daddy, creator God.


UGB 2 - I'm not original

GB: The work I do is inspired by God. As I partner with the favor of God on my life I will produce increasingly inspiring, incredible and creative work. Lord I ask you to establish the work of my hands for me.


UGB 3 - This won't take me anywhere

GB: As I give myself to the diligent practice of my creative work, I encounter the joy of God. I choose not to despise small beginnings for I know that as I practice I will grow in skill. As I grow in skill, I will grow in influence. As I grow in influence I step into my destiny.

Download the notes

Here's a PDF of my notes from this message.

Helpful Links

I showed some parts of the (excellent) Everything is a Remix videos (which itself has recently been remixed) and also recommended you check out for inspiration. Additionally I suggested you listen to the interview we did with Chris McClarney earlier this year. 

Bonus Video

The very wonderful Jessie Early (who is very much a creative genius) tweeted a link to this fantastic video which pretty much sums up my third point, but in a much better way. Essential viewing for everyone.



If you listened to the podcast this week, you'll know that we were talking about the importance of forgiveness. If you haven't heard AJ's testimony before, we've got a copy of her telling her story and how the power of forgiveness changed her life available for download. It's worth a listen and you can learn more here.

Finding Father Sold Out

Finding Father Sold Out

If you've tried to order Finding Father in the last few days you'll know this already but we're all sold out! A few weeks ago, in anticipation of our stock being depleted we ordered more copies from our publisher and we were told they were sold out too! So, right now, more copies are being printed; our third run! Thanks for all your support - we'll let you know when we get more in stock.

For now though, you can still purchase electronic versions of the book. We have them in Kindle edition, iOS and an enhanced version for iPad.

An Intro to Honor

An Intro to Honor

I had the privilege of sharing at Grace Center this morning. I chose to share on the topic of honor. If you missed the message you can catch up by watching the video above. It was difficult to condense our week long teaching into one message, but I hope I got the foundation down! If you'd like to hear the rest of the message, head over to our honor teaching page.

Everything and Nothing Less

Everything and Nothing Less

Chris McClarney's new album is out today and it's amazing. Get it at iTunes (and if you haven't listened to our podcast episode with him, grab that here.)

You Are What You Believe

You Are What You Believe

I spoke this morning at Grace Center on the power of what we think. You can watch the message above if you missed it or if you'd like a copy of the five most common ungodly beliefs (and their antidotes) to read over for the next 30 days, we got that for you too (scroll down to the bottom of this page).