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Chris McClarney - Everything and Nothing Less

Chris McClarney - Everything and Nothing Less

Remember that one time Chris McClarney stopped by to record a podcast episode with us? And remember how he secretly dropped an exciting project that was in the works? Well that project is now public. Chris has a new album coming out with Jesus Culture. Even better, there's a short promo video and a free track from Noise Trade too. Go watch and grab.

UPDATE: You can pre-order now on iTunes.



I wrote a nice long review of this new Bible app for the iPhone comparing it to the two I currently use. Then I lost it in that awesome save-to-web-app-cloud-thing-but-it-didn't-really cycle that sometimes happens. Yay.

Anyway, I ended up by saying that this beautifully crafted piece of software has delightful little details everywhere. It comes with gorgeous fonts, exceptional typography and is a joy to use. If that's not enough to convince you to part with your hard earned cash, it's on sale this Easter week for only $0.99. Do yourself a favor and go buy it.

Update: It's now free!



So we've gotten lots of requests for details about halloween and we totally meant to write an article but here's the thing: it takes tremendous effort to write an articulate, intelligent and well balanced article, especially about something so culturally ingrained that we just didn't have the time.

Here's the best we can do: below is a video of our talk last year at emanate on Halloween. It's the presentation notes, set to the audio and synced. If you want copies of the PDF of the slides you can download 'em and if you'd prefer to download the audio you can do that too. WARNING: our talk contains content that may trigger emotional responses from those who have experienced abuse in the past.



Updated 10/6/15 - added video and replaced audio with a cleaned up (removed uhhms and aaahhhs) version.


Quote book bills itself as a "notebook for quotes". If you need a place to store quotes you've heard (including favorite tweets) then I recommend this app. I've been using it for over a year now and today the latest version was released. It's a universal app so iPhone and iPad versions keep in sync with each other. Get it here.

New Podcast: Leadership

New podcast out today all about leadership: what's awesome about leading, what's challenging about leading, what we look for in leaders and how we pick 'em. Listen here.

How to Date Well

Single? Confused by the Christian community's approach to dating / courting / navigating relationships? If you listened to this week's podcast, you'll have gotten a taste of our views on dating. If you want more details with super practical advice then check out our teaching on the topic.

New Podcast: America

Our latest podcast episode is out! If you haven't done so already, can we suggest clicking the button below to subscribe to Keeping up with The Joneses in iTunes. That way, every Monday morning your iPhone, iPad or computer will have a fresh episode waiting for you.

40% Off Digital Downloads

In honor of Alyn's 40th Birthday, we're offering 40% off all digital downloads until Friday 4th July. Pick some digital downloads to listen to and at checkout, enter the code birthday to receive your discount. The code must be in lowercase and used before midnight on the 4th July. The discount applies only to digital downloads. Happy shopping!

New Podcast: The Presence of God

New podcast is out. If you listen regularly, did you know you can subscribe via iTunes and get the new episodes delivered straight to your Mac, PC or iOS device? Subscribe here.

Books to Go

We've now got Finding Father available in 4 different reading options: paperback, Kindle edition, iPhone/iPod/iPad edition and an enhanced edition prepared especially for the iPad. The electronic versions are especially easy to order if you live outside of the US as there's no shipping fees and we sell them in over 30 nations. For this week only, the enhanced version for iPad is on sale for only $9.99, reduced from $14.99 (we've reduced it across all the iTunes stores, so check your local iTunes store to see the discount).