This week AJ shared on the importance of experience. What better way to communicate experience than by using donuts. Yum.
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This week AJ shared on the importance of experience. What better way to communicate experience than by using donuts. Yum.
Forgive us for the self congratulatory nature of this post, but as we've been reflecting on our first year of podcasting we saw this review about Keeping Up With The Joneses on iTunes and it made us smile:
“Oh how I love this podcast! It’s a glorious love mix of fish tacos, Apple products, transatlantic accents, glory, wisdom, life hacks, heart hacks, humor with a large dollop of (un)common sense and more than a bit of sauce!... proof, if it were ever needed, that ALL of life is sacred.”
Aside from the kind words, I love this review because it does a great job of summing up what we wanted the podcast to be, but never knew how to articulate when we started. People would often ask us what the podcast was about and we would say, "Uh..." - unsure how to describe it. Now we'll just quote The Denner.
One of the things we do at Grace Center is oversee the School of Supernatural Life; an eight month school that runs from September through April. As we head into our fifth year of running the school, we're stunned once again at the transformation our students experience. We prepared some videos of the students talking about their time at the school. Watch below.
You can watch more of their stories here.
Remember that one time Chris McClarney stopped by to record a podcast episode with us? And remember how he secretly dropped an exciting project that was in the works? Well that project is now public. Chris has a new album coming out with Jesus Culture. Even better, there's a short promo video and a free track from Noise Trade too. Go watch and grab.
UPDATE: You can pre-order now on iTunes.
Today marks our 52nd podcast episode, so I guess we're podcasters now. We've learnt a lot podcasting (almost) every week for a year and want to thank our listeners for their support and encouragement. It started out as a gamble but now with a couple of thousand listeners tuning in each month we're really excited about where this goes. Thank you once again for joining us.
If you've just started listening, here's a few of my favorite episodes.
How’s that for a clickbait title? But in all seriousness, are you? And would you even know if you were? This week we recount our journeys toward emotional wholeness and AJ gets real real talking about her journey of emotional suffocation this past year.
Our friends, marriage experts, inner healing specialists and all round good guys Mike & Phyllis Best stopped by to talk healthy relationships. These guys are the real deal. They spend their life ministering to people who feel stuck and specialize in marriages. Join us on this special episode to get all you need about marriage.
Jessie Early: voice of a thousand angels. If you've ever been to emanate or at Grace Center while Jessie's leading worship, you'd know it. But behind the worship leader is a wonderful friend, a beloved wife, an accomplished singer/songwriter, creative whirlwind and independent artist in the truest sense of the words. On the week of the release of her new EP - Wild Honey - we sat down with Jessie and asked her a wide range of questions from how she arrived at Grace Center, to the creative process of making Wild Honey to the most important one: "What's your favorite Peter Gabriel song?". Thank you Jessie, we love you! Enjoy.
This week Dann Farrelly, the associate pastor at Bethel Church in Redding, California joins us to talk about a ton of stuff. Topics include Bill Johnson's arrival at Bethel, manifestations of the Holy Spirit, the price you pay for future glory and a whole bunch of wisdom about stepping into your prophetic words despite the crazy journey it may entail.
This week our friend Steve Long joins us all the way from Toronto, Canada to share on the Holy Spirit and healing. Steve is one of the best ministers we've ever heard teach on healing and has a way of simplifying complex truths into practical steps. All of this plus some follow up from last week's episode on the election.
Money. It's sometimes a touchy topic, but on this week's episode we talk about three principles that we've found to be essential regarding personal finances. That and AJ keeps doing Yoda impersonations. But mostly money.
All of us have been hurt in life. Our approach to dealing with that hurt will vary from person to person, but until Jesus is able to minister to that hurt, our hearts can become hardened and sore. This week we talk about the value of inner healing, AJ's new (new!) iPhone and Alyn comes clean on his love for burritos.
We've been thinking about leadership a lot the last few weeks. We've either been asked questions about leadership or have been asking leaders about leading. But there were some questions we just never got to, so we talk through them here. Plus, AJ's unique iPhone 7 review.
Have you ever stopped before you started? This episode is an encouragement to do that thing you've been too scared to try because you don't think it will work. With 100 episodes to look back on, we share some of the encouragement we've found from God to starting small. Let's face it, we all have to start somewhere. The people you are impressed by right now? They most likely started years ago, with something small. Start today and before you know it, you'll be shocked by what you've made.
This is more than an hour of solid gold Holy Spirit goodness. On this episode we ask David to share the story of how God transformed him from a suicidal alcoholic schizophrenic into the cuddly loving mercy prophet we have today. If you're not encouraged after listening to this episode, have a bag of skittles and try listening again.
We had the MOREXV conference this weekend at Grace Center with Graham Cooke and Jonathan & Melissa Helser. Though it was only 2 days, it was filled to the brim with awesomeness. Hit up to see photos from the weekend and to get downloads of the teaching sessions. Incredible.
Photo cred: Tink
It's my 1st daughter's birthday today. It's also my longest running friend's. I met Glenn in 1994 - the same year the Toronto blessing started - though it would be several years later before we were impacted by that. We met at university where much hilarity ensued. We moved in together in our second year and lived together until Glenn got married. We were the best men at each other's wedding.
We have a long history of bonding over video games. First it was Quake. I borrowed a £2,000 switch from work just so we could network our old PCs. Later came the Nintendo 64. The day the N64 launched we rented one from Blockbuster, stocked up on Cadbury's, Coke and Irn-Bru and spent way too many hours playing Mario 64.
Despite living on the other side of the world and having a time zone difference of 6 hours, we still find time to play Mario Kart 8 nearly every week. Glenn's the better player (he currently leads 186 wins to my 180) but yesterday we had a smashing game and not just because - in a fluke - I won. It was the quintessential Mario Kart game full of fantastic gameplay and skillful handling, but most of all buckets of luck. I love that we can still enjoy our friendship even though we lead two very different lives in two very different countries. I captured our game on video. It's posted below (I'm the chick in a blue dress and Glenn, well, he's the dinosaur wearing shades - all totally normal I assure you).
Glenn you are a fantastic friend, and an incredible Mario Kart player. My gift to you is a rousing game of Mario Kart later today. Hope it's as good as the day you deserve. Happy Birthday my friend, may your life be free of bananas and shells of all colors.
Glenn, in sunglasses with a star for his birthday. All is well.
Last week I spoke at emanate and had everyone create a #myfuturetimehop. If you missed it, but have seen the instagram hashtags and are wondering what it's all about, watch the video above or listen to this week's podcast for a shorter version. Then create your own #myfuturetimehop and tag me (@_ajjones) on instagram.
This morning at Grace Center the staff of SOSL shared some stories from their time away on outreach. If you need an injection of faith and great testimonies, have a watch/listen.
I wrote a nice long review of this new Bible app for the iPhone comparing it to the two I currently use. Then I lost it in that awesome save-to-web-app-cloud-thing-but-it-didn't-really cycle that sometimes happens. Yay.
Anyway, I ended up by saying that this beautifully crafted piece of software has delightful little details everywhere. It comes with gorgeous fonts, exceptional typography and is a joy to use. If that's not enough to convince you to part with your hard earned cash, it's on sale this Easter week for only $0.99. Do yourself a favor and go buy it.
Update: It's now free!