The Apple Watch
It's no secret that I'm an Apple nerd. So when the Apple Watch was announced most people assumed I'd get one. Thanks to new IRS guidelines for qualified health spending we discovered we could use our health savings account to purchase two of them (more on the health side effects of an Apple Watch later).
I'd read a bunch of reviews from people I trust and knew the pros, the cons and limitations before I bought one. But reading about one and owning one are two different things. Below are my initial impressions after owning the watch for a couple of weeks.
Ordering was easy. Getting it once we'd ordered? That wasn't so fun. Either Apple underestimated the demand, had trouble meeting the demand or something else I can't guess, but it was a bit of a mess. We ordered April 29th and AJ received hers a month later and mine came two weeks after hers. For most of the time our tracking said, "Ships in June".
Setup was very unique. Basically your watch produces a beautiful (unique?) hologram-esque image that your phone takes a picture of via the Watch app on your iPhone. Wait a bit, wait a bit longer and your watch is ready for use.
I'd read Craig Hockenberry's suggestion of wearing the watch in a reverse crown orientation and was instantly intrigued. Craig's a smart guy and spends a lot of time thinking about usability. In my imagination, his suggestion totally worked and so out of the box I setup my watch that way. That didn't last long as I found my thumb was not a great digital crown manipulator and quickly reverted to the regular way of using the watch.
Using the Watch
Using the watch takes a little getting used to. But I think that's mostly because we have been trained to use touch screen Apple devices for years now. It's tempting to use the digital crown in the same way you use the home button on your iPhone/iPad but that's not a perfect analogy.
There are similarities between using the watch for the first time and using the original iPhone for the first time. When the iPhone came out there were new interface metaphors to get used to. We were rewarded with delight while getting used to pinching to zoom and swiping to scroll but it was still a little disorienting. Disorienting, not because it was hard to use, but because it was unfamiliar. I remember having a sinking feeling that I could potentially be missing out on a feature because I wasn't familiar enough with how the phone worked. Using the watch gave me a similar feeling of déjà vu.
Take for example the watch's force touch feature. In some apps, pressing firmly on the screen brings up another menu, not accessible via normal onscreen options. While this is brilliant, it also leads to "options anxiety"; what if there are other yet-to-be discovered menus hidden behind a force touch? John Gruber discovered yet another hidden option - long touching (not to be confused with force touching) the color palette in the digital touch menu will lead you to a color picker. This is not documented anywhere (to my knowledge) and could've remained undiscovered if I hadn't followed John on Twitter. None of this is bad of course, but in the last few weeks of owning the watch, I've been reminded of the first few weeks with the original iPhone.
In reading some of the early reviews, I was led to believe that the digital crown usage (press once to turn on, press once to return to watch face, press once to go to app launcher screen, press once to center app launcher screen) was complicated. It is on paper but not in real life after a couple of days. This is primarily where the digital crown = iPhone home button comparison breaks down.
The Home Screen
The home screen on the iPhone is where everything begins. It's the center of attention when you are not using an app. You'd think, given that the watch also has a home screen with app icons that can be rearranged, that this is where everything starts on the watch, but that's not the case. I've found that the watch face is where everything starts - it's the default screen that loads when you raise your wrist (unless you change it in settings of course). I find that most of my interaction is with this screen. I launch the most common apps I use straight from this screen using the complications (tiny icons that relay information from apps like weather, calendar or fitness). The rest of the apps I regularly launch are launched from the glimpses screen.
Speaking of apps, the built in apps are beautifully crafted. Again, there's a nod back to the iPhone. The original iPhone launched with no app store, so you were stuck with Apple's stock apps and they were brilliant. Highly polished, did what you think they would and were full of clever little touches. It was a limited device. So is the watch. And that's not a bad thing. It's far easier to get to grips with a device that you understand and can comprehend its limitations than something that is unwieldy where you are left wondering what it's for.
So the stock apps are nice. The third party apps are a bit of hit and miss really. On any given day, my third party apps will just stop working. I haven't managed to determine why or how to get them working again. Thankfully more often than not, they do work and actually I've found tremendous use in some of them. I'm a big user of Roomie Remote for example and when it loads on my watch it's a killer device. It literally feels like I am in the future controlling all of my audio visual equipment (plus my lights and thermostat) from my watch.