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From current student Tiffany Zajas: 

Going to Grace Center’s School of Supernatural Life has honestly been one of the best decisions I have ever made. This school is designed to change your life, and for has done just that. Before SOSL, I was hurting, believing lies that had been spoken over me, and weary of constantly striving for perfection, acceptance, and value. In the past 6 months since starting the school, I have experienced the presence of God like never before, come into a full realization of the Father’s unconditional love for me, and am now walking in a new level of healing and identity in Christ.
— Tiffany Zajas

Read her (unsolicited) full post.  

Podcast Review

Podcast Review

Forgive us for the self congratulatory nature of this post, but as we've been reflecting on our first year of podcasting we saw this review about Keeping Up With The Joneses on iTunes and it made us smile:

Oh how I love this podcast! It’s a glorious love mix of fish tacos, Apple products, transatlantic accents, glory, wisdom, life hacks, heart hacks, humor with a large dollop of (un)common sense and more than a bit of sauce!... proof, if it were ever needed, that ALL of life is sacred.
— The Denner

Aside from the kind words, I love this review because it does a great job of summing up what we wanted the podcast to be, but never knew how to articulate when we started. People would often ask us what the podcast was about and we would say, "Uh..." - unsure how to describe it. Now we'll just quote The Denner.

Wisdom from Bill

I am extra careful around those who frequently criticize themselves, for they will “love their neighbor as they love themselves.”
— Bill Johnson