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Special Guests

48: Toronto

48: Toronto

Our good friends, Ben & Sarah Jackson are in town, so we sat them down and asked them questions about living in Toronto and how the revival there has changed their lives. We even got them to pray for a revelation of the Father's love. This is a good one.

46: Marc DuPont

46: Marc DuPont

We've known Marc for years. If you've ever heard AJ's testimony you'll have heard of a time when a prophet called her out, told her the secrets of her heart, walked through her past and told her her future. Well, yeah, that's Marc. On this week we pick his brain on how he got called into ministry, what it's like to play poker with other prophets and what he does for fun. 

39: Mum / Mom

39: Mum / Mom

This wasn't the easiest episode to record (technically and emotionally). Alyn's mom is dying of cancer and as her doctors had given her a few weeks to live, we flew over to Scotland to be with her and say our goodbyes. While we were eating lunch one day we plonked down a microphone and asked her for some wisdom on things like raising children, family days, salvation, death and avoiding dysfunction. The episode is worth listening to just for her accent. Enjoy.

38: Lyle Phillips Part Deux

38: Lyle Phillips Part Deux

We rushed off to Scotland this past weekend and because we spent most of the weekend traveling and restraining small children we couldn't record a podcast. Fear not however; the ever awesome Lyle Phillips who was with us last week gave us so much brilliant stuff that we couldn't fit it all in. This week, we've collected the stuff we cut out due to time so you could laugh along with us.

37: Lyle Phillips

37: Lyle Phillips

We hope your commute is long this week, or you at least have a lot of housework to do because this is the longest podcast we've made yet. It's totally not our fault. There's just too many good stories from Lyle that it was difficult to cut. Here's what you'll hear however; Lyle's transformation from drug dealer to a rescuer of children caught in sex trafficking, his first encounter with missions, what Heidi Baker taught him about the Kingdom and lots, lots more. This is a great episode.

33: Chris McClarney

33: Chris McClarney

It's almost impossible to describe just how amazing Chris McClarney is. He's a world renowned worship leader, a gifted song writer, incredible dad and just all round great guy. On this episode we pick Chris's brain on the anointing, leading worship, his one word descriptions of the greatest worship leaders around and his fascination with Lego. Bonus: Alyn finds a spontaneous prophetic song from years ago that many years later ended up as one of Chris's most awesome songs.

20: Jeff Dollar

20: Jeff Dollar

A special (and longer) show this week with our first special guest ever: none other than our dear friend and senior pastor, Jeff Dollar. Topics we cover include Whole 30 feedback, the personification of joy found in Becky Dollar, salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit and deliverance from chain smoking.