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301: Fed Up Being Fat

301: Fed Up Being Fat

How many of us have a thing in life we know we could do differently, but the gap between doing that thing differently is covered with landmines of more appealing, but less wise choices? Yeah us too. This week we explore a manifestation of that dynamic as Alyn is fed up being fat.

299: Old Friends and Holy Spirit Stories

299: Old Friends and Holy Spirit Stories

Friends are a gift from God. And there’s no better gift than this week’s guest Glenn Carter. For almost 30 years Glenn and Alyn have been close friends. Despite changes in life, vocation and location somehow they’ve kept up their friendship. On this week’s episode they talk about the secret to longevity in relationships, exploring an underground nuclear bunker and how the Holy Spirit healed Glenn’s marriage.

257: Five Things We Didn't Know About Having Kids

257: Five Things We Didn't Know About Having Kids

Being a parent is a wild adventure and precious little can prepare you for it. As we reflect on raising our kids, we’ve come up with five things we didn’t know about having kids. AJ’s #5 might freak you out, but let’s face it, this is the magic you listen for.

238: 50% Vaccinated

238: 50% Vaccinated

COVID-19, vaccinations and whether British people can swim. There’s plenty of opportunity for everyone to find something offensive about this week’s episode. But that’s not our heart - rather we want to make our thinking visible about where we’ve been and the choices we’re making for the future.

216: Jeff Dollar

216: Jeff Dollar

Our beloved pastor, Jeff Dollar, joins us this week to talk about his new book, Letting Go of the Need to be Right. We talk about why it’s so hard to say sorry, why we often refuse to let go of being right even when we know we’re wrong and one of the keys to breakthrough.

214: Danny & Sheri Silk

214: Danny & Sheri Silk

Danny & Sheri Silk are known around the world for their books Loving Our Kids on Purpose and Keep Your Love On. They are part of the senior leadership team at Bethel Church in Redding, California. This week we sat them down to play the dating game, and seek out their wisdom for new parents, new grandparents, navigating change and what 40 years of history with Bill Johnson has been like.

206: BTB - Forgiveness

206: BTB - Forgiveness

One of the keys to a fruitful life is getting good at forgiveness. For something so important, it’s amazingly difficult to do. This week we talk about the rewards that come from forgiving others and AJ gets the opportunity to do so live as Alyn confesses to a heinous crime.

178: The Legend of Zelda

178: The Legend of Zelda

Easily the nerdiest episode yet. Join us for the first episode of the year where Alyn can't believe the transformation AJ's gone through, we talk about the need for hope and answer a listener's question about financial declarations. But mostly we talk Zelda (note: some slight spoilers included).

168: Keys to Loving Well

168: Keys to Loving Well

We sometimes think love is communicated automatically, yet that's not the case. This week we talk about the five love languages and how each one can be used to strengthen connection in our relationships. Plus we all go camping.

164: How to Make Decisions You Won't Regret

164: How to Make Decisions You Won't Regret

We all have to make decisions - it's a part of life. But making decisions you won't regret comes with maturity. This week we talk about decision making from both a married and single perspective. Plus a review of our listeners' feedback.

150: Listeners' Questions

150: Listeners' Questions

If you've got questions about how to handle your own weakness or the weaknesses of others, trusting God, spouses that play video games for too long, having kids when you're older or the difference between hard work and striving, boy do we have a podcast for you. If not, we've got a great story of AJ scaring the living snot out of Alyn. So... something for everyone this week!

149: Marriage Experts (with Mike & Phyllis Best)

149: Marriage Experts (with Mike & Phyllis Best)

Our friends, marriage experts, inner healing specialists and all round good guys Mike & Phyllis Best stopped by to talk healthy relationships. These guys are the real deal. They spend their life ministering to people who feel stuck and specialize in marriages. Join us on this special episode to get all you need about marriage.

140: Having Kids

140: Having Kids

This week we're talking having kids. How they're made (not really but kind of), how to raise them, the best thing and hardest thing about being a working mom, all that sort of stuff. If you don't have kids yet, you'll still love this episode because we talk life before kids too. Explicit tag because we do talk a little bit about sex and if you have little ones listening we want you to be able to pick the time to answer their questions about sex!

134: Hitched

134: Hitched

Recorded while celebrating our 12 year anniversary, we reflect on life as a married couple and the things that have helped us stay married. We also reveal a surprising thing, our favorite thing and the most challenging thing about being married to each other. Plus movies with old people, Alyn goes outdoors and how to evade shark and alligator attacks.

133: New Direction

133: New Direction

Our first episode of 2017! We catch up on 3 weeks of radio silence, learn about a new way to cook, talk New Years resolutions and answer two listeners' questions about enemies and marriage. It's good to be back folks.

129: Gratitude

129: Gratitude

AJ's trip to the hospital, Alyn gets busted on Instagram and the effect of gratitude on your brain. Plus, a listener's question about whether it's okay for Christians to smoke weed (given it's becoming legalized in several states).

126: Catch Up

126: Catch Up

And we're back from sick-ville and ready to rumble. This week we catch up on what we've missed in the last two weeks; the Heaven Declares conference, intimacy week at SOSL and AJ got healed. Also, our latest argument and what it means for marriage and a question from a listener on having a baby which leads to a long discussion re: babywise.

118: Brett & Shailey Ratliff

118: Brett & Shailey Ratliff

Brett & Shailey have an incredible story of the faithfulness of God. From a marriage ruined by alcohol addiction and hidden sin, to the pressures of being a pro athlete in the NFL we talk to these guys about the journey of discovering the Lord, why they chose the presence of God over everything else and what it means to live life contentedly.