You had lots and lots of questions about relationships:

  • How do you know when a relationship is over?

  • What do you do when friends don’t prioritize you?

  • How to you practice vulnerability?

  • What about building friendships when you have small kids?

  • Is it ever okay to end a friendship with church people?

  • How do you handle friendship when you’re in ministry?

  • How do you avoid cliques?

  • What about new friendships when you’re already relationally full?

These are just some of the questions we answer on this episode. Plus if you’re a member, we answer even more questions in a members only bonus Q&A including:

  • Can men and women really be “just” friends?

  • What about loving your friends who are deconstructing their faith?

  • Do you ever need dealbreakers for platonic relationships like you do romantic ones?

  • How do you build community when people around you are always waiting for the next best invitation?

  • How do you have relationship when your friends move countries?

  • How do you maintain relationships with your best friend when she starts a serious relationship?

All that and more!


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