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Donuts & Jesus

Donuts & Jesus

This week AJ shared on the importance of experience. What better way to communicate experience than by using donuts. Yum.

School of Supernatural Life

School of Supernatural Life

One of the things we do at Grace Center is oversee the School of Supernatural Life; an eight month school that runs from September through April. As we head into our fifth year of running the school, we're stunned once again at the transformation our students experience. We prepared some videos of the students talking about their time at the school. Watch below.

You can watch more of their stories here.

Chris McClarney - Everything and Nothing Less

Chris McClarney - Everything and Nothing Less

Remember that one time Chris McClarney stopped by to record a podcast episode with us? And remember how he secretly dropped an exciting project that was in the works? Well that project is now public. Chris has a new album coming out with Jesus Culture. Even better, there's a short promo video and a free track from Noise Trade too. Go watch and grab.

UPDATE: You can pre-order now on iTunes.

Happy Birthday Meriba Gleen

Happy Birthday Meriba Gleen

It's my 1st daughter's birthday today. It's also my longest running friend's. I met Glenn in 1994 - the same year the Toronto blessing started - though it would be several years later before we were impacted by that. We met at university where much hilarity ensued. We moved in together in our second year and lived together until Glenn got married. We were the best men at each other's wedding.

We have a long history of bonding over video games. First it was Quake. I borrowed a £2,000 switch from work just so we could network our old PCs. Later came the Nintendo 64. The day the N64 launched we rented one from Blockbuster, stocked up on Cadbury's, Coke and Irn-Bru and spent way too many hours playing Mario 64.

Despite living on the other side of the world and having a time zone difference of 6 hours, we still find time to play Mario Kart 8 nearly every week. Glenn's the better player (he currently leads 186 wins to my 180) but yesterday we had a smashing game and not just because - in a fluke - I won. It was the quintessential Mario Kart game full of fantastic gameplay and skillful handling, but most of all buckets of luck. I love that we can still enjoy our friendship even though we lead two very different lives in two very different countries. I captured our game on video. It's posted below (I'm the chick in a blue dress and Glenn, well, he's the dinosaur wearing shades - all totally normal I assure you).

Glenn you are a fantastic friend, and an incredible Mario Kart player. My gift to you is a rousing game of Mario Kart later today. Hope it's as good as the day you deserve. Happy Birthday my friend, may your life be free of bananas and shells of all colors.

Glenn, in sunglasses with a star for his birthday. All is well.



Last week I spoke at emanate and had everyone create a #myfuturetimehop. If you missed it, but have seen the instagram hashtags and are wondering what it's all about, watch the video above or listen to this week's podcast for a shorter version. Then create your own #myfuturetimehop and tag me (@_ajjones) on instagram.

SOSL Outreach Report

SOSL Outreach Report

This morning at Grace Center the staff of SOSL shared some stories from their time away on outreach. If you need an injection of faith and great testimonies, have a watch/listen.

Happy Penguin

Happy Penguin

John Lewis - the British department store - for the win. Great ad for Christmas.

Jessie Goes to Prison

Jessie Goes to Prison

The wonderful and talented Jessie Early went to prison a few months ago as part of the Send Musicians to Prison charity. I started my day watching this and was moved to tears. Thanks Quinnboy for the link.