Podcast: Chris McClarney

Podcast: Chris McClarney

Episode 33.jpg

We've known Chris since we moved to the USA seven years ago. He's a good friend, an amazing worship leader and a bit of an enigma. You've sung his songs, even if you don't know it and his approach to life and worship is astounding. In this week's podcast we pick his brain on a bunch of topics from the anointing to hotdogs. Prepare to giggle. You've been warned.



Happy New Year everyone - we're believing it's going to be the best year we live yet. Here's to an amazing year of abundance, hope, optimism and glory!

Happy Penguin

Happy Penguin

John Lewis - the British department store - for the win. Great ad for Christmas.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American friends and family. What a great day to pause and give thanks for the year and all that God's blessed us with. If you are in a post turkey tryptophan daze, spend 30 minutes unwinding by listening to this week's podcast which is (coincidentally enough) all about thanksgiving.

Sarah Parsons Being Awesome

Sarah Parsons Being Awesome

Our friend Sarah Parsons just launched her website showcasing some of her beautiful artwork. Sarah works at Grace Center as one of the SOSL pastors (with her equally awesome hubby Josh) but is a skilled painter as you'll see within minutes of visiting her site. 

Jessie Goes to Prison

Jessie Goes to Prison

The wonderful and talented Jessie Early went to prison a few months ago as part of the Send Musicians to Prison charity. I started my day watching this and was moved to tears. Thanks Quinnboy for the link.



So we've gotten lots of requests for details about halloween and we totally meant to write an article but here's the thing: it takes tremendous effort to write an articulate, intelligent and well balanced article, especially about something so culturally ingrained that we just didn't have the time.

Here's the best we can do: below is a video of our talk last year at emanate on Halloween. It's the presentation notes, set to the audio and synced. If you want copies of the PDF of the slides you can download 'em and if you'd prefer to download the audio you can do that too. WARNING: our talk contains content that may trigger emotional responses from those who have experienced abuse in the past.



Updated 10/6/15 - added video and replaced audio with a cleaned up (removed uhhms and aaahhhs) version.

This Week's Podcast

This Week's Podcast

A busy week, followed by an even busier weekend meant this week's podcast didn't get recorded until the wee hours of this morning. So while there definitely is a podcast this week, it won't be ready until tomorrow. If you're itching for something awesome to listen to in the mean time we highly recommend this session from the conference.

UPDATE: We lied. With 3 minutes to spare, we got it uploaded today.