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Family Time


​This week we had John and Carol (or Papa and Mama as our kids know them) staying with us. Great to catch up, wonderful to have family time with them and amazing to watch them minister at emanate and our school.

8 Years In


When I think of all the kindness that God has shown to me, at the top of the list is my wife. AJ is my most perfect companion. She is my favorite person to spend time with. She shows me nothing but love; has given me three wonderful children and cares for all of us with boundless patience and energy. I always wanted to marry a godly wife. In secret I always wanted to marry a prophetess. I got both. The goodness of God is overwhelming and we're only eight years in. Thank you God and thank you AJ.

Having a Boy

In my head, this is what I think having a baby boy will be like.

First Day of School


Ugggh. Just waved my 5 year old off to kindergarten for her first day of school. Pretty horrible feeling loading her onto a bus knowing I won't see her again until 3.45pm​. But she was going to have a first day sometime.