The results from our podcast listeners' survey are in! Like last year, around 100 people responded and shared their feedback on a variety of questions. Here's a summary of the responses.

Which country do you listen from?

Answers in %

Go America! Hello UK! And "other"? That would include visitors from Australia, Germany and Sweden!

How do you normally listen to our podcast?

Answers in %

More and more of you are moving to a podcast app but I finally solved the reason why some people still come and listen in browser. It's because you are at work and while you can't use your personal cell phone, you can use a web browser at work with headphones. Bravo!

Which podcast app do you use?

Answers in % (Multiple answers allowed)

It's kind of a no brainer that the podcast app on iOS would be the default, but if you haven't yet, try Overcast. (Read our mini review too).

Do you listen to other podcasts?

Answers in %

Either way, thanks for tuning into our show each week!

How did you find out about our podcast?

This was one of the biggest surprises for us. Almost 50% of our listeners are listening because someone referred our podcast to them. Thanks kind hearted listeners! As an encouragement, if you are listening to an episode that is helping you, don't keep it to yourself, think who you can send our way!

How often would you say you listen to our podcast?

This is obviously a hugely encouraging trend. 85% of you listen every week. Crazier still, of that 85%, the chart below gave us some good chuckles:

How regularly do you listen?

Again, about half of the people who listen every week claim to have a problem and have listened to every episode we've released, some more than once. Hardcore fans - we salute you!

What do you like about the podcast?

Answers in % (Multiple answers allowed)

Again, you are causing us to blush.

What would you change about the podcast?

Answers in % (Multiple answers allowed)

We're working on keeping it the same while tweaking bits to make the same parts better.

What social networks are you active on?

Answers in % (Multiple answers allowed)

I'm worried this means that we have to be better at going to Facebook. If you have ideas of what you'd like us to do once we get there, we're all ears! And congrats to Keziah, not only on having an amazing name, but also winning the $100. Thanks to all those who sent in feedback, you're all winners in our eyes!