God is as good as He is great.

We've all had distorted views of what God's like. Even if we've been raised in the church and read our Bibles, somehow we've come away with an image of God that's less than who he really is. As a broken man in the midst of depression and despair, I discovered the kindness of God. In the first video that we'll send you, I'll tell you my story of how I met God and how he taught my heart to understand his kindness. Simply tell us where to send the teaching and you'll be able to watch immediately.

Dealing with discouragement.

No matter how good life is going, we all face seasons of discouragement. Many of the heroes in the Bible are recorded as going through tough times and faced difficulties staying positive. In this video teaching series, I'll share with you a three step plan to help you deal with discouragement. Sign up today, to receive both videos or to download an audio version of each message.

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