It has been fascinating reading the feedback you guys have been sending us about the podcast. One interesting piece of revelation we've had is that about a third of you don't know there are show notes for each episode. The notes - while not exhaustive - provide links to more details about anything we mention in that particular episode: people, places, products - that sort of thing.

If you are using the Podcast app on your iPhone (which apparently 90% of you are), just go to the list of podcast episodes and tap the "i" to see the show notes for that episode.

Tap the "i" button to see the show notes.

And look! Show notes!

Overcast, our preferred podcast client has a similar feature. Just swipe up on the artwork of the podcast you are listening to, to see the show notes.

Swipe up on our smiling faces to see the show notes.

Voila! Show notes!

If you listen to the podcast via our website, just scroll down on the page you are listening from to see the show notes. You can also see the show notes for any episode you want by adding an episode number to our website address. For example, to see the show notes for episode thirty six, just enter the following into your web browser.

Substitute the number of the episode you are looking for and you'll be taken straight to that page and its corresponding show notes. If you'd like more hints and tips with setting up any of these apps or podcasts in general, read our little podcast page.